Monday, December 18, 2006

emotive revolution

we have forgotten all that we know.
we have filled ourselves with rules and beliefs not enforced upon us but inflicted upon us.
the inflictors being our priests, parents, presidents and teachers.
we have given away our power to undeserving hands.
all that we ever needed to know, the greatest knowledge, has always been with us. it is a knowledge that lies within. embedded into the very core of the self. it lies within every cell of the body. in every spark of the soul.
it is merely a case of letting go of thought process and giving over to feeling. to remember the truth, or rather to feel the truth.
we have allowed others take away the essence of us.
it is a destruction by our own design.
we must return to the beginning and claw our way back.
we must rediscover the vastness that lies within the human heart. a vastness as infinite as the universe. as infinite as the self.
it is not a case of being made inadequate by others, but of giving away power.
a raping of the self.
change must come.
a revolution MUST happen.
it must happen now.
a revolution that doesn't start with outward violence, but with inward love.
a revolution of the heart.
an emotive revolution

Thursday, December 14, 2006

the oily inside

i kept on looking and found something very interesting.
i have never before discovered the salty aftertaste technology can leave.
the heart beat hidden inside the machine.
the humanness contained in the gears of the oily inside.
is it the person behind it or does that energy change into the machine's once the command is given.
can it, on some level, feel?
the experience is that of intimacy between lovers but as isolated as the arctic.
is it a real experience or merely perceived reality?
perverted reality?

Saturday, December 9, 2006

i decided to try and find life out there.
i was walking down a narrow path in the woods and came to a bridge where an old woman was sitting. i asked her where i would find life. she said the fountain.
i decided she was old and senile and i would make my own decision.
i tied myself to a train track and waited. someone was bound to come rescue me.
that was the day i died.
all i was wondering was: where have all the cowboys gone?